
We all need help to navigate rough waters

How do you do it?" is a question put to many a working parent. My husband and I have been working parents for the past 24 years and still wonder how we can handle life's expected and unexpected challenges.

It reminds me of riding the rapids. We had quite a ride this last month.

Summer is a time of playing catch up to doctor and dentist check ups for the kids. When you have multiple kids, you can have one or two appointments each week.

Here was my list for the month: wisdom teeth out, eye doctor for contacts, physical exam, dentist check up, and orthodontist. My husband and I had to dig in our paddles to get through the doctor visit "rapids" with our busy work schedules.

In the middle of this month, my husband had a bout with kidney stones while driving home from work. He pulled over and called 911. An ambulance and two fire trucks responded. He was taken to the emergency room.

From then on I compare the experience to being caught in a white water hydraulic. Once you are pulled in, you really struggle.

An older daughter got to the hospital first. A friend helped us pick up the car he abandoned on the highway. My travel scheduled had to be cancelled. The kids at home had to fend for themselves.

When it got to be around midnight and I was beat, who did I call? My night owl college age daughter, who came and stayed with her dad. I thought to myself, how fitting, she normally starts her evenings out at midnight anyway.

In the end, he had to go through two separate procedures to get the kidney stones out. Poor guy!

As working parents know, time does not stand still at the office while the river of life takes its twists and turns. I had my laptop, Blackberry and brief case and carried on business in the waiting rooms and halls of doctors, dentists and even throughout the time warp of the emergency room.

