
How to detox your body with fruits

Juicing is one of the most powerful ways to assist and speed up the process by the use of cleansing ingredients and combining it with concentrated nutrition to help the body perform this function better.

Studies have shown that a person has at least 5 to 10 pounds of accumulated toxins in his body. Not to mention the accumulated toxins that are attacking on a daily basis as a result of a polluted environment.

Fortunately, juicing recipes for detox can help us in a big way as far as cleansing and looking and feeling best is concerned. Juicing for detox can repair on the cellular level; thus one can really drop an unhealthy pound of toxins from his body.

In juicing recipes for detox, one must make sure to make use of organic ingredients only. Avoid as much sugar as possible – the goal is to detoxify and sugar and detoxification don’t mix well.

The greener your vegetables the better – wheatgrass is a must in this juicing for detox recipe. Green vegetables are rich in chlorophyll which is a powerful blood cleanser. Chlorophyll is also a great alkaline nutrient. Here are some of the vegetables and fruits that one can use in juicing recipes for detox:

It is water dense therefore it is great for eliminating toxins and it helps dissolve kidney stones and it cleanses and purifies the skin too.

It is a natural diuretic so make sure when it is juiced, everything is put into the juicer – stick and leaves included.

Lettuce are natural body cleansers and they are dense in nutrients.

It stimulates digestion, cleanses the liver and has a high amount of beta carotene.

This vegetable is often used and recommended for weight loss, improves poor skin and helps alleviate constipation.

It is one of the most powerful cleansing foods. It helps cleanse the kidneys and it even has properties to cleanse the blood.

Asparagus cleanses body tissues and reduces blood acidity.

It is also rich in chlorophyll and helps rebuild the digestive track; stimulates the liver and gall bladder too.

A powerful cleanser of the intestines and neutralizes toxins as well. It also helps stimulate fat burning activity. Watercress is good for the skin as well.

Apples help control blood pressure, bloodsugar levels and helps eliminate body toxins.

Here is one recipe one could definitely enjoy while detoxifying his body:

One cucumber, one large cup of spinach, one large cup of parsely, one celery stick and half medium lemon (but not including the peels this time) – put everything in a juicer and one would be delighted not only of with the taste but as well as of the hea

